Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Jovovich-Hawk Part 2

Yes, another Jovovich-Hawk post. I found some of their looks on Target and I am even more excited than before. When I saw all the beautiful clothes on their website, I KNEW that they wouldn’t be selling those clothes. Yes, I don't have faith in people sometimes haha. And after looking at the looks on Target, I see that they’re completely different pieces but still gorgeous. Some trends remain the same (polka dots, little details, lots of dresses, florals, etc…) but for the most part, they're completely different. Some of my favorite looks:

(I don't know what's up with the blue coloring...)

I can't determine whether they're affordable or not yet. A dress is about 40$ which isn't too much if a) you have money to spend b) you need a dress and c ) it's good quality. But if you DON'T have money to spend on a dress that you won't wear that much and it's NOT good quality, then yes. It is quite expensive.

On a side note: I have my first behind-the-wheel lesson in 20 minutes!
Also, I'm thinking of volunteering at Goodwill to get my hours. Has anyone done this?


Marilyn Hayward said...

I love the jovovich-hawk target collaboration line...but I'm having the same thoughts on it...guess we'll have to wait and see!

nadia said...

i'm liking it so far.
i've never bought anything from those go-designers before. i've heard the pieces tend to fit oddly? hm, but i'm not sure, i've never bought them.

but i'll be checking this one out (: